Safety and wild swims

We spend a lot of time facilitating safe and great wild swim experiences. Sentral to this are the general Open Water safety rules. Take the time to get to know them!

Swimming in cold water

Open water is a relatively new sport in Norway. However, triathlon has been active for well over 40 years, and in addition, some of the most eager ones have spent a lot of time researching swimming in cold water. We are more than happy to recommend visiting Isklar Norseman Xtreme Triathlon’s pages on the topic..


Unfortunately, the outdoor swimming community in Norway is not yet very aware of SIPE (Swimming Induced Pulmonary Edema). But it is well known both by a number of divers and in the triathlon community. However, among organizers of outdoor swimming events in Sweden this is very well known, and Vansbrosimning discovers around 50 cases annually. We have summarized some of the information we received from them during a study visit in the summer of 2018.

Risk analysis and safety plan

As organizers we prepare and update a safety plan annually. Before this is finalized, we carry out a detailed risk analysis. Actions are then taken to reduce the risk of various incidents as much as we can. Get in touch if you would like to take a look at this part of our work.

We naturally hope that you will make the trip to GlommaDyppen on Saturday August 3rd 2024. We look forward to meeting you all!